Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Beginning of my Auto Biography

Autobio: I was born to abuse. Premature. Two weeks in hospital. Father beat my mother and I up. She named me. Joshua as there is Jesus' story. Leo as my Great Great Grandfather. Petry is perfect because you can watch me as if I'm in a Petri Dish. Which being born over coming physical abuse can give anyone the optimism. So to pay tribute to my story along with paying tribute to everyone else in the world. Not letting myself become another narcissistic celebrity. I agreed to volunteer as a muse to Elizabeth Woolrich Grant as a teenager 16 years old in 2008. Not allowing the dark music to get to my heart too far to where I could never come back. So now I am writing this on September 20th 2016. Weeks before my 25th birthday. As I was not educated extremely well all I know is that our frontal lobe which holds our personality is generally fully developed. So as I have only a few weeks time to shed the personality I've developed through this dark music I have been mused into. I did try to go not as dark and maybe have some say into it but I was peer pressured in conversation as I did suggest to not go dark first but I see that the entire experiment was meant for me to loose my memory and completely detach as a character. And create an entirely new character. So before I become 25 years old I am writing this current auto biography in hopes that I will be saved by my key of communication.

I did make a pack with myself and Robin Rihanna Fenty so retrieve my crown back when I was ready for it. At this age. Once I have gone through my entire training of understanding music through and through to the top from the bottom. Running. So now I sit in the Amelia Earhart Regional Library attempting to complete this bio in under 33 minutes. Homeless. Alone. No one is around me. I cant see anyone I know. They haven't come out and relieved themselves to me. In song through our memory together. To touch base with me but they have transferred the rest of the energy into who they see as the Devil/Satan/Lucifer/etc... Which is where I come in to destroy him within us all so we can create new music. ones in which are captivating but aren't directed towards only one person. A more open communicative lyric and melody.

I did have a journalist stand by side me as I volunteered to muse Elizabeth Woolrich Grant. As the only way I can get my story of this moment which changed my entire life to be able to change it only once again to get out of that darkness. Bleeding my soul, heart and religion into music... Sacrificed everything I own in my being. Now again I am 25 years old an ready to move on. I can say and type more but I feel the heart felt feelings of my story need to be told on a higher ground then what I am doing now which is sitting at a library computer homeless, in pain and without any identification or even a single American note to my physical self, running out of time for my insurance(on my 25th birthday), horrible cavities, haven't had a health physical check in with a doctor in three years just ready to be wined and dined to feel I have moved on from it and move us on from what we are apparently ... I wont say more...

This is a clue, to woo...

Now I will send this to everyone I know... And not be sure where I will be going after my time on this computer is depleted.

Joshua Leo Petry

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